Tuesday, October 21, 2008

just a blog

This is officially my first ever blog post. It's been along time coming and my "blog name" has morphed from one thing to the other and so on. I was hoping to have some really great words of wisdom or epiphany to write about. I've overthought every would-be post and typed scenario, wondering what I would ever write about. But then I came to the realization just the other day that...its just a blog.


Grant Clinton said...

I'm so proud of you! What a beautiful, loving, creative, and intelligent wife I have. Love you!

Julie Rickertsen said...

Wow Lins! I am so proud of you. Can't wait to see some of you stuff in person. At MOPS today we watched a video from Sara Groves about identity. (and losing it once we have kids) ha ha. Anyway, you have found a way to be a wonderful wife, mother, and now fulfill your dreams by being a designer. So proud of you!!

to be made whole said...

way to go sister!!! Looks great!!!

Jennifer Mills said...

Yay for you!!! I love it!! You are extrememly talented! :)

Tanya said...

I had no idea you made jewelry...it is really unique and beautiful! Good luck with this new venture. I can't wait to see some of it in person!

Christine said...

welcome to the blogging world! you won't regret it. :) love it already!

Mary said...

Loved it Lins. Need to see more. Can hardly wait to own a piece.

samples of my work